This week I'm experimenting with digital and analog inputs. In the following case, I used the x axis of a joystick in order to control the linear rotation of a servo motor.
- Arduino UNO
- XY Dual Axis Joystick Module
- Wire jumpers
- Breadboard
- Servo Motor SG90
#include <Servo.h> Servo servo; /*Create a servo object*/ int portCom; /*Create a variable to almacenate all the data coming from the joystick*/ int servoPin = 11; /*Digital Pin Connected to Servo*/ void setup(){ servo.attach(servoPin); servo.write(90); /*Initiate the servo in 90 degreess*/ } void loop(){ portCom = analogRead(0); /*X Pin to receive data*/ portCom = map(portCom, 0, 1023, 0, 180); /*Map of th received data*/ servo.write(portCom); /*Servo moves accorurding with the position of the joystick*/ delay(15); /*Reading time of the Analog Pin A0*/ }