With this project, I wanted to promote experimentation, failure and uncertainty, as opportunities to generate innovative proposals. I want my work to avoid being limited by the demands of implementation and validation, and to get infected by art and technology, as elements that promote the search for critical and experimental solutions. I wanted my design practice to be based on conditional questions that can open up possibilities (condition and possibility) instead of limiting and closing the spectrum of participation and intervention: What happens if I use this material in these conditions? What happens if I think of contexts and audiences in speculative futures? What happens if I think of a totally new and innovative process? What if I fail?


Initial Aesthetic - Paper prototypes

Experiment with light and a vinyl record made out of crystal

Another notable experiment involved the encoding of music into a crystal vinyl record, introducing an intriguing way for viewers to engage with the music. By interacting with a flashlight, the viewer has the ability to illuminate the crystal, causing the interplay between light and the intricate ridges on the surface to unfold and project onto the surrounding walls. This mesmerizing visual spectacle mirrors the dance-like dynamics one might associate with a DJ, where the viewer becomes an active participant in unveiling the hidden depths of the music.

Physical Computing. Connecting the Analog with the Digital Worlds

Stepper Motors dancing with the music rhythm

To bring this vision to life, I arranged and programmed a series of motors and how they interact with a flexible material, enabling them to respond dynamically to the music. By carefully choreographing these interactions, the viewer is not only able to listen to the music but also witness the tangible embodiment of its rhythm and energy. The material's captivating movements, influenced by the synchronized motors, create a captivating spectacle that amplifies the immersive experience. As the light reflects off the undulating material and illuminates the surrounding walls, the viewer becomes an active participant in a multisensory journey, where sound, motion, and light converge.
