Z Brush - 3D Sculpting
During the summer of 2022, I had the incredible opportunity to enroll in a Z Brush class taught by the incredible Creature and Character Designer Madeleine Spencer .
The class allowed me to bring some of my characters and visions to life in the three-dimensional realm, embarking on a new path of digital creation. While I was familiar with NURBS and Polygon modeling, I sought to explore alternative methods and techniques.
I'm excited to share some screenshots of my initial practice work (these particular images are not of my original design):
For my final project, I embarked on the ambitious task of transforming one of my 2014 illustrations, titled "Look Before Crossing," into a 3D sculpture. Adapting a two-dimensional image to a three-dimensional medium posed a significant challenge, as it required me to add intricate details and depth that were absent in the original artwork.
Throughout the sculpting process, I drew upon my past experiences in figure sculpting and sought inspiration from a variety of references.